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Вакансии по дате: Все вакансии
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
Agenția internațională de modeling „Prestige Model Agency London” caută un curator pentru relațiile cu angajatorii italieni. Conditii: lucru acasa, program liber, dar nu mai putin de 8 ore pe zi, salariu 500$ Cerințe: • Italiană fluentă (scrisă și vorbită) pentru a comunica cu colegii italieni. ...
Условия: работа на домашнем пк, свободный график, но не менее 8 часов в день, зарплата 500$ Требования: •Свободный итальянский (письменный и разговорный), чтобы общаться с итальянскими коллегами. Знание английского приветствуется. •Коммуникабельность и гибкость в общении. •Опыт работы в бизнес...
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 11000 MDL guar...
We are a growing Canadian Transportation Company with the office in Chisinau. Our main task is to process the incoming flow of applications and work simultaneously with regular customers. We are looking for a dynamic, responsible person with positive perceptions to become a part of our cohesive team...
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 11000 MDL guar...
Мы канадская транспортная компания с представительством в Кишиневе. Наша основная задача – обрабатывать входящий поток заявок и одновременно работать с постоянными клиентами. Нам нужен динамичный, ответственный человек с позитивной энергетикой, чтобы стать частью нашего сплоченного коллектива. ...
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
Требуется менеджер по продажам услуг бюро переводов Diplom. Обязанности: - поиск новых клиентов; - составление коммерческих предложений; - проведение деловых встреч и переговоров; - заключение контрактов; - поддержка постоянных клиентов; - ведение и поддержание заказов. Требования: - высшее образ...
В связи с расширением, сеть бюро переводов Diplom, с 16-ти летним стажем успешной и качественной работы на рынке Молдовы, объявляет набор на вакансию: ПЕРЕВОДЧИК/ОФИС-МЕНЕДЖЕР (г.Кишинев) – 2 вакантных места Ты энергичен и организован? Хочешь проявить себя и успешно работать в одном из самых крупн...
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 11000 MDL guar...
We are a growing Canadian Transportation Company with the office in Chisinau. Our main task is to process the incoming flow of applications and work simultaneously with regular customers. We are looking for a dynamic, responsible person with positive perceptions to become a part of our cohesive team...
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 11000 MDL guar...
Мы канадская транспортная компания с представительством в Кишиневе. Наша основная задача – обрабатывать входящий поток заявок и одновременно работать с постоянными клиентами. Нам нужен динамичный, ответственный человек с позитивной энергетикой, чтобы стать частью нашего сплоченного коллектива. ...
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
Требования к кандидатам: • Свободное владение одним-двумя языками: - английский - немецкий - французский - испанский • Беспрепятственная возможность переезда в Испанию (отсутствие бытовых; семейных или других обременительных факторов в Молдове); • Базовые з...
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 11000 MDL guar...
We are a growing Canadian Transportation Company with the office in Chisinau. Our main task is to process the incoming flow of applications and work simultaneously with regular customers. We are looking for a dynamic, responsible person with positive perceptions to become a part of our cohesive team...
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 11000 MDL guar...
Мы канадская транспортная компания с представительством в Кишиневе. Наша основная задача – обрабатывать входящий поток заявок и одновременно работать с постоянными клиентами. Нам нужен динамичный, ответственный человек с позитивной энергетикой, чтобы стать частью нашего сплоченного коллектива. ...
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
In the framework of implementing the Project „Improvement of Water Supply in Moldova Centre“, CES is looking for a candidate for the position of Office-Manager/Translator/Interpreter (full time, duration: 1 year with possibility for extension (with 3 months of probation period), with the below main ...
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 11000 MDL guar...
We are a growing Canadian Transportation Company with the office in Chisinau. Our main task is to process the incoming flow of applications and work simultaneously with regular customers. We are looking for a dynamic, responsible person with positive perceptions to become a part of our cohesive team...
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
Мы канадская транспортная компания с представительством в Кишиневе. Наша основная задача – обрабатывать входящий поток заявок и одновременно работать с постоянными клиентами. Нам нужен динамичный, ответственный человек с позитивной энергетикой, чтобы стать частью нашего сплоченного коллектива. ...
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 11000 MDL guar...
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 11000 MDL guar...
We are a growing Canadian Transportation Company with the office in Chisinau. Our main task is to process the incoming flow of applications and work simultaneously with regular customers. We are looking for a dynamic, responsible person with positive perceptions to become a part of our cohesive team...
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 11000 MDL guar...
Мы канадская транспортная компания с представительством в Кишиневе. Наша основная задача – обрабатывать входящий поток заявок и одновременно работать с постоянными клиентами. Нам нужен динамичный, ответственный человек с позитивной энергетикой, чтобы стать частью нашего сплоченного коллектива. ...
We are a growing Canadian Transportation Company with the office in Chisinau. Our main task is to process the incoming flow of applications and work simultaneously with regular customers. We are looking for a dynamic, responsible person with positive perceptions to become a part of our cohesive team...
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 11000 MDL guar...
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 11000 MDL guar...
Мы канадская транспортная компания с представительством в Кишиневе. Наша основная задача – обрабатывать входящий поток заявок и одновременно работать с постоянными клиентами. Нам нужен динамичный, ответственный человек с позитивной энергетикой, чтобы стать частью нашего сплоченного коллектива. ...
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 11000 MDL guar...
We are a growing Canadian Transportation Company with the office in Chisinau. Our main task is to process the incoming flow of applications and work simultaneously with regular customers. We are looking for a dynamic, responsible person with positive perceptions to become a part of our cohesive team...
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
Dacă doreşti să faci parte dintr-o echipă profesionistă, dinamică şi combinată, să îţi construieşti o carieră pedagogică, APLICĂ! Cerințe: 1) Cunoașterea limbii germane/engleze minim nivel B2! 2) Abilități de comunicare didactică și lucru în echipă; Aspirații spre autoperfecționare; 3) Cunoștințe...
The Moving Consultant has the responsibility as a sales professional to represent and produce bookings of our moving and storage services. In this role, you will assist the consumers with their relocation needs by estimating what will be moved, the cost invovled with the move, arranging and sched...
Мы канадская транспортная компания с представительством в Кишиневе. Наша основная задача – обрабатывать входящий поток заявок и одновременно работать с постоянными клиентами. Нам нужен динамичный, ответственный человек с позитивной энергетикой, чтобы стать частью нашего сплоченного коллектива. ...
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 11000 MDL guar...
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