

7 марта 2025

Кишинев, Ботаника
Можно без опыта
От 13 000 До 14 500 MDL
По сменному графику
На территории работодателя

We are looking for:


Main responsibilities:

  • Receives calls and make reservations;
  • Records reservation information accurately;
  • Files all reservations in a systematic order for easy referral;
  • Records requests for special accommodations and suites;
  • Handles all guest service issues in an immediate and professional manner;
  • Assists in performing the duties of a Receptionist, when needed.
  • Performs all check in and check out procedures;
  • Informs the guests about payment methods and processing accurately the payments;
  • Fulfills the arrival-departure procedures of guests and assists them from arrival to departure;
  • Reviews all guest reservations and plans their accommodation accordingly;
  • Provides information about our hotel, available rooms, rates and amenities;
  • Upsells additional facilities and services, when appropriate;
  • Ensures that each guest is welcomed and served in a timely manner according to the standards;
  • Maintains updated records of bookings and payments.

Personal requirements:

  • Fluent in English, Romanian and Russian knowledge, other language is an advantage;
  • Strong interpersonal skills;
  • Customer service attitude;
  • Computer knowledge is a must;
  • Excellent time management, organizational and communication skills, experience in hospitality area will be an advantage;
  • Ability to work on your own and as part of a team.

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  • Persoana serioasa si responsabila
  • Abilitati de comunicare 
  • Rezistenta la situatii de stres
  • Adaptabilitate
  • Cunoasterea la nivel de comunicare si scriere a limbii romane,rusa,engleza
  • Disponibilitatea de a lucra in program de 24 de ore
  • Amabilitate,abilitatea de a gasi iesire din situatie cu calm si zambet

Condiții de muncă:

  • Program in ture de 24 de ore 
  • de la 09:00-09:00 ziua urmatoare peste 48 de ore
  • 10/11 zile pe luna
  • 1 masa asigurata pe zi
  • Salariul platit la timp
  • Colegi prietenosi si mereu ofera sprijin in orice situatii
  • Salariul este de la 11.000-12.000 lei,in dependenta de ture si luna


  • Cazarea si decazarea oaspetilor hotelului
  • Incasarea banilor si facturarea corecta
  • Indeplinirea corecta si la timp a task-urilor ce tin de pozitia de receptionist
  • Rezolvarea si aplanarea corecta a tuturor nemultumirilor sau greseli aparute in timpul programului
  • Transmiterea informatiei colegului de schimb
  • Respectarea programului de lucru fara abateri 


Turele sunt in 24 de ore peste 48 de ore libere 1/2,angajare imediata!

If you are interested in and meet the requirements listed above, please send your CV in English to the email address: or call the phone number 068757777 / 060525000.

Call: 068757777 / 060525000

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