Customer care agent with english

Город: Кишинев
Образование: Любое
Опыт работы: Можно без опыта
Зарплата: Не указана
График: Гибкий график
Место работы: Дом/Офис
For our client we are looking for a motivated candidate. Do you enjoy talking in English every day? Then become a customer service agent in call center for the customers
Main role:
▪️providing telephone support to customers (connection, coverage, equipment setup, billing)
▪️Working through requests related to equipment maintenance (repair and troubleshooting)
▪️Advising customers on the company's services (U VERSE services: Internet, TV, VoIP telephony)
▪️weekend shifts with fantastic salary uplifts
Employee perks, benefits-special:
▪️financial bonuses for working late shifts
▪️career development
▪️team buildings, social benefits
▪️life insurance
Requirements for the employee:
▪️excellent English knowledge — necessary
▪️ability to work in the evening and at night
▪️stress resistance
+380504190479, +380504190479
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