Car shipping company dispatcher

Ship Car 24 Inc
Город: Кишинев
Образование: Любое
Опыт работы: Любой
Зарплата: От 600 До 1500 USD
График: Полный рабочий день
Место работы: Удаленно
Готовы трудоустроить беженцев

Motivated person with advanced English, good written and verbal communication skills.
Previous experience with load boards such as Central Dispatch, Super Dispatch, CarsArrive and other relevant load boards is required
Work conditions: Remote job with life cameras streaming to be part of the office team


Loading 7−10 car-haulers.
Planning driver’s trip effectively, and according to driver’s and company’s needs.
Verify load availability, hours of operations, requesting relevant documentation.
Effective email and phone communication skills.
Data entry skills and attention to details.
Multitasking. Ability to work independently and as a team.
Ability to focus on work and act quickly when needed
Контактное лицо:
Katerina Boyko
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