Diablo expert to add products (MMO ecommerce)

ItemForge №4592908, 19 decembrie 2016
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Orice
Experiența de munca: Orice
Salariu: Nespecificat
Program de muncă: Munca la distanta / Freelance
Job is adding products in online store, using provided source files and/or given sources. You need to be expert to be able to:
1) correct any errors and typos (especially items that do not exist)
2) paste right info into the right place to make navigation through offers as easy as possible (attributes/filters, keywords/SEO etc.)
3) add or at least make a list of missing info (more information, photo, variations etc.)

Minimum 95% quality is required, which means that out of 100 products (offers are usually short), you can make maximum of 5 mistakes like: double space/typos/ctrl+v gone bad etc. Product's name and price must be 100% correct, there can also be no impossible item combinations.
You need very good English, solid internet education (know all the tools and how to use them), basic math, focus and attention to detail. Your salary will be based on your experience and results. If you do well, long-term and full-time position will be offered.

You need to be expert in either game (thousands of hours spent), guidelines:
D2: Know every useful item, their attributes and price (someone who became rich via trading should have that knowledge)
D3: Know all popular builds, stats priority that apply to all of them and which item enables which build (someone with 2000+ paragon should have that knowledge)

If you think you have what it takes, answer following question:
D2: What are the stats (including def and req) of perf Dream Kurast Res and perf Exile Kurast ED?
D3: What are values of perf Rare Amulet and perf properties of the best leveling Legendary Boots (used to quickly reach 70 lvl)?

Need all of the following information in your offer (failing to provide a clear answer to any of them will most likely cause your application to be auto-declined):
1. Answer qualification question about the game you apply to work on and explain your process of getting to that answer
2. Typing speed (words/strokes per minute via 10fastfingers)
3. Experience in online gaming industry and D2 D3 WoW knowledge
4. MMO accomplishments (only list impressive things that take thousands of hours)
5. Weekly and yearly availability (how many hours and days per week you want to work, are you looking for a long-term job?)
6. Preferred trial and long-term hourly price
7. Can you play without ping issues on servers located in Europe and America? (try D3 trial and make some levels on BOTH game modes)
8. Cover letter (sell yourself!)
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