Social network moderator / content monitorer

Welpy Inc.
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Orice
Experiența de munca: Orice
Salariu: Nespecificat
Program de muncă: Full-time
A US (Florida) based start up developping a social network for mobile devices (iOS and Android) is seeking 3 Community Moderator / content monitorer to work 30-40 hours per week.

- Active monitoring of the content posted by users in the application (text / video / photo).
- Resolve issues and inaproriate content raised by users.
- Take appropriate action with users who commit violations of application policies.
- Communicate with users to clarify policies and answer questions on application processes.

- Comfortable using independent judgment
- Social network active user.
- Ability to work 30-40 hours per week.
- Ability to work by day or by night (our users are in differents time zones).
- Excellent english writting and reading. Official Test (cambridge certificate / TOFEL) a plus.
- Previous experience in customer service rep, forum moderation, online user community management, or quality assurance for a web-based product or service is a plus but not required.

The job could be done remotly from home or in an office space. We will not consider any application of candidates without excellent english skills. French and/or spanish could be a plus.

Salary based on experience : 6000/8000 MDL per month + bonus.
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